Wednesday, February 22, 2012

If the flu really deadly disease, but officials...

By Neil Z. Miller

Every year, shortly before the future "flu season", CDC and compliant media pawns terrorize the American public with false strattera side effects claims of annual deaths from influenza. CDC boldly asserts that 36,000 people annually die from flu. Such intimidation tactics are designed to increase sales of influenza vaccines. However, according to the Center for Disease Control's own records are written in formal, just a few hundred people die from flu (influenza) on average per year. And many of these deaths accounted for people with existing conditions, weakened immune systems and elderly people. For example, in 2002, 753 people died from influenza. A year before, in 2001, only 257 people died from influenza. (. Fifty-nine percent of these deaths occurred among people 75 years and older, 75 percent of people held in 55 years and older) put these numbers in perspective, 3,454 Americans died from malnutrition in 2001 - 13 times more than the number of flu death In the same year were 4,269 deaths related to asthma, a condition some studies related to vaccines. To rationalize this contradiction between the real number of deaths from influenza each year (as described in its national CDC vital statistics reports) and over-exaggerated the number of bogus flu death contributed to the CDC, officials say that influenza often leads to pneumonia and that the majority of deaths from pneumonia in reality deaths caused by influenza. Apparently, CDC has a secret formula for estimating how many pneumonia deaths result (in the official list in your own

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CDC with National Vital Statistics Reports, as death from pneumonia, not flu) really deaths caused by influenza. Adding to the confusion caused by the influenza virus pneumonia, usually caused by bacteria. Custom website CDC, makes great effort to emphasize their differences. In addition, CDC has vaccinated against pneumonia. So why not encourage them to CDC vaccination against pneumonia? In 2002, 65,231 persons died of pneumonia, and in 2001 61,777 people died of pneumonia. If all had been vaccinated against pneumonia, especially the elderly and others most susceptible to disease, and they are not protected? Why CDC promote influenza vaccine to protect against pneumonia, especially if the disease is caused by a virus and the other usually bacteria? Also, how many people died from pneumonia received a flu shot? How many received a pneumonia vaccine? There are three main types of influenza virus, and each type can mutate or change from year to year. Thus, there are literally thousands of possible deformations. (Each strain carefully reviewed and given its own name, the name often associated with the place where it was first discovered). Each year, health officials develop a new vaccine against influenza, which contains three mutated strains of influenza virus. To determine which strains to use, officials travel to China early this year to assess the circulating influenza viruses in this region of the world. They try to guess which strains will reach the United States by the end of the year. Production begins, and the new vaccine is usually available in October. Influenza "experts" often think wrong. For example, in 1994 they predicted that Shangdong, Texas, and Panama strains will be prevalent that year, thus millions of people were vaccinated against influenza, which contain these viruses. However, when winter came, Johannesburg and Beijing strains of influenza circulating in society. The vaccine was ineffective. This happened in 1996 and again in 1997. Recently, vaccines designed for 2003-2004 flu season contained flu strains that do not circulate in the community this year. Officers were again forced to admit that millions of people were vaccinated the vaccine ineffective. However, flu victims has not increased over the years. For example, in 1996, 857 people died of influenza in 1997, 745 people died of flu - a typical yearly figures. In 2004, influenza vaccine manufacturers were unable to produce enough flu shot to accommodate all who wanted to influenza vaccine. (Several parties were contaminated and had to be destroyed.) Thus, only half of the population that usually vaccinated against influenza (about 45 million people compared with 90 million annual average) received the vaccine. If the flu really deadly disease, but officials say 2004-2005 flu season to be catastrophic. If, according to CDC, 36,000 people die each year from flu >> << when 90 million people were vaccinated against the disease

how many more will die, when only 45 million people "protected?" I predict that flu victims will not increase the

. In fact, influenza (pneumonia?) Dead may even decline during this period, when the rare American population is "under vaccinated" against the flu. Note: The article above was written in early 2005. December 10, 2005 >> << published report recognition accuracy of this article support the claim that the CDC data influenza death completely fake, hyper-inflated to scare the public and sell the vaccine against influenza. .

The vaccine does not protect against pneumonia ...

What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is actually a group of diseases that cause infection or inflammation (swelling) in the lungs. Pneumonia causes air sacs in the lungs fill with pus and other liquids, making it difficult for oxygen to reach the blood. Pneumonia affects the lungs in two ways: lobar pneumonia affects the part (or particles) of light, and bronchial pneumonia (also called bronchopneumonia) affects the parts of both lungs. People who are healthy often recover quickly when entering quick and proper care. However, pneumonia is a serious infection that affects thousands of mature people every year. Although the strattera dosing elderly and people with chronic diseases (such as Parkinson's disease), are most at risk, pneumonia can affect anyone. Pneumonia can also cause other infections such as meningitis, an infection in the brain. What is pneumonia? Pneumonia has many causes, but the main reasons are:

Other infectious agents such as fungi (pneumocytis)

In Parkinson's disease, swallowing problems can lead to aspiration, or inhaling the mouth or stomach contents into the lungs. This increases the risk of developing pneumonia. What is bacterial pneumonia? Bacterial pneumonia is pneumonia caused by bacteria.

Pneumococcus is the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia. Vaccines, drugs given as a shot provides protection from this bacteria. One shot provides protection for life. The vaccine does not protect against pneumonia caused by viruses or other bacteria. Who should receive Pneumococcal vaccine? In chronic diseases such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, heart disease or lung disease

have a weak immune system from other causes, such as certain kidney diseases and some cancers

taking medications such as prednisone, which weaken the immune system

What are the symptoms of bacterial pneumonia? Symptoms of bacterial pneumonia can develop gradually or suddenly. Symptoms include:

What is viral pneumonia? Viral pneumonia is pneumonia caused by the virus. About half of all people with pneumonia have viral pneumonia. Viral pneumonia is usually less severe than bacterial pneumonia, and can take from two to four weeks to recover. What are the symptoms of viral pneumonia? Early symptoms are similar to flu symptoms include:

How can I protect myself from pneumonia? Tell your doctor if you have problems with swallowing. Swallowing evaluation may contribute to further define the risk of aspiration. Get viral influenza (flu) vaccine (shot) each year. Vaccines against influenza are prepared annually before the strain of the virus this year. Influenza can pneumonia infection more likely. Get a pneumococcal vaccine to protect themselves against pneumococcus. Get treatment for any other respiratory infections, especially in the lungs. Wash hands before eating, before preparing food and after going outside. Try to avoid people who have colds or flu. Ask to welcome you when they feel better. Eat a healthy diet, exercise and get enough rest. Contact your doctor if you think you have symptoms. Do not wait until symptoms worsen, as one could develop a dangerous condition. Do not smoke. Do not drink alcohol heavily. As pneumonia treated? Bacterial pneumonia may be antibiotics, medications taken in pill form. Penicillin, such as antibiotics, often given for pneumococcal pneumonia. In some cases, a person must stay in the hospital for treatment. Hospital treatment includes oxygen therapy to increase oxygen in the blood (if necessary) and intravenous fluids (liquid fed through the needle). Medications such as analgesics (to relieve chest pain) and acetaminophen (to reduce the temperature) can be provided. In treatment, bacterial pneumonia usually improves within 24 to 48 hours. Viral pneumonia is usually less serious. The hospital stay rare. Antibiotics can not be used for the treatment of viral pneumonia, but may be given to fight bacterial infection, which is also present. Other drugs, such as the above can be used to reduce symptoms. If you have received antibiotics, make sure you take all medication even if you feel better. If you stop taking medicine too soon, the infection may return and may be more difficult to treat. Drink warm liquids to relieve cough. Using ultrasonic humidifier in your bedroom to add moisture to the air. (Ultrasonic humidifiers kill bacteria and mold in water).

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Recreation. Do not rush recovery. It may take several weeks to get back full force. Do not smoke. © Copyright 1995-2011 Cleveland Clinic Foundation. All rights reserved. Can not find the health information you're looking for? This information is available at the Cleveland Clinic and is not intended to replace medical board your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your doctor for advice about a specific health condition. This document was last review: 7/30/2008 ... Index # 9378.

This infection is caused by accident ...

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Aspiration pneumonia is pneumonia caused by inhalation of foreign material. This infection is caused by accidentally inhaling secretions of mouth or content of the stomach as acid / semi digested food. These materials are then damage the lungs and cause blockages in the airways leading to lungs. The condition could lead to an abscess or accumulation of pus and cause light filled with fluid. Aspiration pneumonia can occur because of human inability to swallow or because of stroke, seizure or loss of consciousness. In healthy people, foreign particles in the mouth or saliva dripping, that the throat is cleared cheap strattera from the body's natural defenses, like coughing or sneezing, before they enter the lungs and cause damage. If these particles are not removed due to violations of the mechanism of protection, they can cause atmospheric pneumonia. Elderly or persons under the influence of alcohol or those who are under anesthesia or in a coma, are at increased risk of pneumonia in the atmosphere. Persons with reduced level of consciousness or those with central nervous system often broken upper and lower respiratory reflexes. They can also be subjected to risk of suffering from aspiration pneumonia. The desire of foreign particles can also result from violation of the esophagus, there is no gag reflex or even problems with your teeth. The degree of lung damage depends on the structure and amount of atmospheric matter. Typically, high acidity substances greater damage. Injuries could easily get infected by bacteria or the formation of pus. Symptoms of atmospheric begin only a day or two. Here are some of the symptoms atmospheric pneumonia. Cough with an unpleasant odor or greenish sputum, with phlegm, consisting of pus or blood

doctor will diagnose aspiration pneumonia using stethoscope to listen to the heart and lungs. Blood or rays of the chest may also be necessary to establish infection. You can also ask to pass a special barium swallow tests to find out the throat condition and ability to swallow. The doctor may recommend endoscopy even to look at the throat, esophagus and stomach. In the case of aspiration pneumonia is diagnosed, you may need to enter the hospital and will be included in a course of antibiotics. The procedure will vary depending on the severity of the disease. Oxygen may be administered or the patient may even be provided with artificial breathing by machine. Bronchoscopy can be performed to remove solid materials that can be atmospheric. Educators may put the patient on a special therapy for swallowing problems and reduce the chance of swallowing the lungs again. Aspiration pneumonia can be seriously life-threatening disease causing respiratory failure. Lung infection may spread into the blood stream, or even in other parts of the body. This disease can be dangerous for people over 50 or those with weakened immune systems. Recovery from aspiration pneumonia may take a long time. It is best to start treatment as soon as possible to ensure a fast and problem free recovery. Aspiration pneumonia is mainly due to a defect of protective upper and lower respiratory reflexes in patients with low levels of consciousness, or central nervous system. .

Opening of new drugs to treat resistant...


increase in European patients with infections that are almost impossible to treat. European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) said yesterday that in some countries to 50 percent of cases of blood poisoning caused by an error - K. pneumonia, a common cause of urinary and respiratory tract - were resistant to karbapenemam, the most powerful class of antibiotics. In Europe, the proportion of resistant karbapenemam K. pneumonia doubled from 7 percent to 15 percent. ECDC said that it is of particular concern because karbapenemy is the last line of antibiotics to treat drug-resistant infections. Marc Sprenger, Director, said the situation is critical. We must declare war against these bacteria. In 2009, resistant to karbapenemam K. pneumonia was established only in Greece, but by 2010 it extended to Italy, Austria, Cyprus and Hungary. The bacterium is present in the gastrointestinal tract and is transmitted through touch. Resistant strains of E. coli also increased in 2010. Between 25 and 50 percent of E. coli infection in Italy and Spain were resistant to fluoroquinolones in 2010, one of the most important antibiotics to treat bacteria. In the UK, 70 patients were found of NDM-1, containing bacteria, the enzyme that breaks down karbapenemy. Some studies have shown that over 80 percent of travelers returning from India to Europe by NDM genes in their intestines. Researchers talk about a nightmare scenario, if gene NDM-1 production is more widespread. Public Health Agency of UK doctors warned last month to give up drugs commonly used to treat the common sexually transmitted diseases, because it is not effective. Agency said that gonorrhea - which caused 17,000 infections in 2009 - should be treated with two drugs instead of one and warned about the real threat of untreatable gonorrhea in the future. Opening of new drugs to treat resistant superbakteriy was more complex and expensive business - they are taken only for short periods and business profits are low. The European Commission today launched a plan to expand research in the field of new antibiotics, for accelerated approval of promising new drugs and tools for development through the innovative medicines initiative, public-private collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry. An estimated 25,000 people die each year in the European Union of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Countries with the highest rates of persistent infections, such as Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Hungary and Bulgaria, and usually those with the highest use of antibiotics. World Health Organization scientists warned two years ago that excessive use of antibiotics risked returning the world to doantibioticheskuyu era in which the infection is treatable. Warnings were ignored. Professor Laura Piddock, president of the British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, said politicians and the public has been slow to assess the severity of the situation. The journal The Lancet, she writes: Antibiotics are not perceived as essential for health, in spite of these features save lives. Global action for development of new antibiotics is not necessary, she says. Ministry of Health has published guidance aimed at deterring excessive use of antibiotics in hospitals, avoiding long-term treatment and replace broad-spectrum strattera 25mg antibiotics with those targeted at specific infections. Professor Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical expert, said: Many antibiotics prescribed ... when they should be. Example: Holiday fever, which for two months to monitor in August 2010 Paolo, 55, professor at the University of Rome, was on vacation on the island Ponzi when he fell ill with fever and chills. He had a urinary tract infection and his brother-in-law, a doctor prescribed an antibiotic called ciprofloxacin is widely used. Three days later he was no better and more feverish, but continued the drug for a week. He returned to the mainland, where his urine was tested and found to be infected with a strain of Escherichia coli resistant to many antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin. He was prescribed another antibiotic, which he took for four weeks. It was better, but four days after cessation of treatment, his symptoms returned, and he became feverish again. Then he called one, a specialist in infectious diseases, which suggested that 1/3 antibiotic, which he took for 21 days. Two months after starting treatment that finally cured of his infection. .

Kenneth todor, ph.

To find the entire book, enter the word or phrase in the form

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Kenneth Todor, Ph.D.

agent is a microorganism can cause disease in

plants, animals or insects. Pathogenicity is the ability of products

disease in the host. Microbes express their pathogenicity on

means th virulence, a term that refers to the degree of pathogenicity

microbe. Thus, virulence determinants

originator of any of its genetic and structural or biochemical

features that allow it to produce disease in the host. The relationship between host and pathogen is dynamic, because each

change activities and functions of the other. The result of such

relations depend on the virulence of the pathogen and relative >> << degree of stability or susceptibility of the host, mainly due to efficiency

mechanisms of immune protection. , Probably the most common pathogens

people can call to one third of all >> << bacterial diseases, ranging from boils and pimples on food poisoning, in

sepsis and toxic shock. Electronic microphotographs >> << s

with his permission. A. the ability to invade tissues. It includes mechanisms for

colonization (adherence and initial multiplication


Production of extracellular substances that facilitate the invasion

opportunity to circumvent or overcome many protective mechanisms.

2. is able to produce toxins. Bacteria can produce two types of toxins

called exotoxins and endotoxins. Exotoxins released from bacterial cells and may act on tissues removed from the site

site of bacterial growth. Endotoxin is a cell-associated

matter. (In the classical sense, the term refers to the

lipopolysaccharides outer membrane component of gram-negative bacteria

). However, endotoxins can be released from the growing bacterial cells and cells

, lizuyutsya that as a result of effective protection of the body (such as lysozyme)

or of certain antibiotics (eg penicillins and cephalosporins

). Thus, bacterial toxins, both soluble and cell-bound, can be transported by

blood and lymph and cause cytotoxic cheap strattera effects on tissue areas remote from

starting point invasion or growth. Some bacterial toxins can also

act in place of colonization and play an important role in the invasion. Mycobacterium tuberculosis,

agent of tuberculosis (TB). Bacteria are small pink color rods.

More than one third of world population infected. The organism has caused more human deaths than any other bacteria in the

history. Despite its ability to produce disease

multifactorial, it is not completely understood. American Society of Microbiology

, with his permission. Kenneth Todor, Ph.D. All rights reserved. - WWW. textbookofbacteriology. Net >>. <<

It sounds very good, but to be viable ...

This sounds very good, but be a viable process of photosynthesis depends on the form means that the solar technology. It's great, but this restriction diffuse nature of sunlight. Most of the Earth receives only the peak of about 300 kcal / sq. feet per hour (less than 1/10th kW) and when considering the efficiency of energy conversion (much less than 100%), very small amount of energy can be obtained per square foot in a sunny area. To replace a significant amount of energy obtained from fossil fuels, we must use very many of the areas that could otherwise be used for food or living space. I am a supporter of alternative energy sources, especially solar energy, having studied it, finishing thesis on alternative energy sources and energy conservation. However, the inflexible laws of thermodynamics, there is no free lunch. Back in the 70's, and in graduate school, I read the proposal, claiming that through the use of solar concentrators and 70,000 square miles of desert terrain, all U.S. energy needs can be met. Maybe so, but the project should have started 30 years ago when there was enough money to do it, not now, when the U.S. government and untold trillions in the hole. Perhaps if this project was started, I would be able to continue in power, as I predicted. In my opinion, the best we can do to reduce energy dependence on oil is as follows:

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(4) use of safe nuclear power (thorium reactors, fast neutron reactors to reduce nuclear waste)

( 6) To develop large scale order strattera solar energy wherever practical (forget about travel expenses, he never compared with fossil fuels until they are almost left). -. March 25, 2011 @ 11:39 am PDT

Anything that blocks the flow of urine or ...

Bacteria in urine, no symptoms (asymptomatic bacteriuria)

bacteria in urine, no symptoms (asymptomatic bacteriuria) - IHACares

CRS-ah-aha_obg_asymptomatic. bacteriuria

Adult Advisor of Health in 2009. 4

© 2009 RelayHealth and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 790. 7

646. 50

646. 51

646. 52

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V81. 5

599. 0

Solutions RelayHealth. Asymptomatic bacteriuria means you bacteria in the urine, but

you have no symptoms of infection. If you are healthy, then this condition

, usually not a problem, rather than what your doctor

need to check. However, it can cause complications

, if you are pregnant, have had a kidney transplant,

, or in some other diseases. If you have one of these conditions

, will be checked for asymptomatic bacteriuria. Urine is usually sterile, which means that it does not contain bacteria

. small number of bacteria can be found in the urine

many healthy people. It is generally considered harmless. However, some level of bacteria may strattera dosing indicate that the urinary bladder, urethra or kidneys

infected. All that is blocking urine flow and prevents the bladder from >> << devastation may well lead to the propagation of harmful bacteria in the urine. For example, stone or a tumor can block the flow of urine. Enlarged prostate in men can also cause such a block. This problem is more common in women than men because women

urethra is shorter. (The urethra is the tube that empties urine

from the bladder). Short urethra facilitates >> << bacteria from the anus or genital area to reach the bladder. It could

occur during activities such as sex or wiping after using the toilet

.. Most urinary tract infections caused this traveling cont

. Bacteria can also enter the urine through the blood, but it >> << is rare. Asymptomatic bacteriuria has no symptoms. The doctor can examine you. Your doctor may ask you to provide

2 samples of urine for a week's break. Mochy

will be checked for bacteria. You can also have some blood tests.

If you have bacteria in the urine more than once, you can:

ultrasound. IVP and ultrasound can show the problem of urinary tract >>. << If you're healthy, asymptomatic bacteriuria is usually not a problem

and usually requires no treatment. If you have a medical condition in which asymptomatic bacteriuria

could be a problem, you can appoint antibiotics, especially if >> <<: >> << you are pregnant. (The infection can cause >> << low weight at birth or it may cause you to go into labor too early


You will have tests or surgery on the bladder or other organs

urinary tract. Do you have a urinary tract blockage such as kidney stones.

If you likuyetesya antibiotics, you may need to make your urine

re-scan after you accept all medicines. Your

can recommend the following additional tests on urine

see if the problem returns. In some cases, regular testing of urine and not antibiotics >> << might be better of course. Your doctor will decide which treatment

best for you. Asymptomatic bacteriuria usually disappear after treatment with antibiotics.

However, it can return. If the problem is not treated, it can become a full-scale

urinary tract infection. If no infection, then antibiotics

kidneys may be damaged. If you were appointed antibiotics, take all this as

prescribed, even if you do not have symptoms. Do not take drugs

left over from previous infections. Drink plenty of water daily to cleanse the bladder and urinary tract

, . Follow your doctor's recommendations for further >> << urine tests to check recurrence. Drink plenty of fluids. Urinate regularly during the day. Empty your bladder completely

every time. Keep vaginal area clean. Wipe from the peel to crusting after

toilet. Urinate before and after intercourse. Wear cotton underwear, which allows better air circulation than nylon

. Wear pantyhose that have a cotton crotch. Avoid tight clothing in the genital area, such as control-top pantyhose >> << and tight jeans. Do not wear a wet swimsuit for

long period of time. If you have a history of recurrent urinary tract problems, your healthcare provider may prescribe

antibiotics to be taken or

every day or every time you have sexual intercourse. Posted by RelayHealth. This content reviewed periodically and is subject to change >> << As the health of new information becomes available. Information

, intended to inform and educate rather than

replacement for medical examination, advice, diagnosis or treatment

doctor. .

Anaerobic exercises use resistance, so &gt;&gt;...

Aerobic and anaerobic words first

bacteriologists apply to bacteria. Aerobic bacteria in relation to the word

require free oxygen to live. Anaerobic word

on the bacteria can live and survive in the absence of oxygen or air

. Later, when the exercises become more

and popular, these words have been adopted to describe certain types of exercises >>. << Almost all familiar with "aerobics classes". Not

all familiar with non-aerobic and anaerobic exercise. When the set of aerobic exercise

cause you body uses oxygen to create energy. Oxygen is necessary for the breakdown of glucose. Glucose is the fuel needed for

create energy. However, the opposite applies to anaerobic exercise. In

anaerobic exercises the body creates energy without oxygen. This >> << mainly because demand for energy over the body, so it

find natural body chemicals to create it. Breathing properly while performing a very important

. Air enters the lungs and oxygen in the air is passed through

lining of the lungs. Oxygen is absorbed by the erythrocytes.

Erythrocytes enter the circulating blood, carrying oxygen

. Blood enters the heart and spreads throughout the body buy strattera

. Muscles use oxygen for the necessary energy, as

will be used to select waste (carbon dioxide). Carbon

dioxide (CO2), in turn, into the blood and returned to >> << easy to exhaled. The above explanation can be simplified

description. However, I assure you, it is very difficult

feat of nature. That is why it is important to know why and how you

workout. Your heart rate during training, you can determine whether

doing aerobic or anaerobic exercise. The maximum heart rate for men

220 less your age. For women it is 225 less your age. Purpose

bid for shall be 70% of your maximum speed. When heartbeat

, faster than the 70% you are doing aerobic exercise. As the exercise is performed determines

it aerobic or anaerobic. Any movement your body makes

requires the use of energy. You should not do aerobics to lose weight >> << or maintaining the desired weight. It was found that anaerobic >> << exercises burn more calories than aerobic exercise in a ratio of 5

to1 basis, and even as much as 7 to 1 ratio. Aerobic exercise burns

25% muscle and 75% fat, while anaerobic exercise burns 100%

fat. Aerobic classes, which may be dancing to the music

or step dancing (fast movement). Anaerobic exercises use resistance, so >> << You'll also build muscle and bone, as an additional advantage. Aerobic exercise

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will have a greater impact on cardiovascular and circulatory system <<. Combining the two >> give the greatest benefit to health. << >>